I find this somewhat similar to bookmarking a page under your favorites. I can see how you could just keep adding blogs and easily spend hours just sitting there reading and trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing.
I wonder how much "blog" you'd have to read to be the equivalent of reading an actual book.
EDIT: *GasP* I can read the blogs of all the fantastic people that I work with!!! It's right there at the bottom of my blog reader. This just got "neater". I'm not sure if it's part of blogger or Blog Reader...but either way it's super cool!!!
I wonder how much "blog" you'd have to read to be the equivalent of reading an actual book.
EDIT: *GasP* I can read the blogs of all the fantastic people that I work with!!! It's right there at the bottom of my blog reader. This just got "neater". I'm not sure if it's part of blogger or Blog Reader...but either way it's super cool!!!
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